Sunday, 27 July 2014


   Conducted ,  May 2013      

I Joachim NKURIKIYUMUKIZA , declare that the work realized in  this project ,presented in the “Audio Documentary (AD)” is my original work and has not been presented for any  academic qualification .
I thus declare that this work is mine under the supervisor of Joseph NJUGUNA, Director of the School of Journalism and Communication, the Lecturer in the school at The National University of Rwanda (NUR).                                 



Date: ………./…………./……….



                                                     To the almighty God,
                                                        To my parents:
To my Mother who did her best to keep me  studying up to the university level but passed away almost at the end of the battle  without seeing  the fruits of  her efforts  “May she rest in peace and God bless her!”  This research report is deeply dedicated to her.
                                                        To my Brothers and sisters,
                                                        To my relatives,
                                                        To my Teachers and Lecturers
                                                        This research report is tenderly dedicated to them.

My thanks go through the following  people for their  support and contributions delivered in order  to bring a building  stone  to the development of this  research .Without  their considerable support, this work would not have been  brought to a success .
First of all  my thanks go through The National University of Rwanda(NUR), the Faculty of Arts Media and social Sciences (FAMSS) in the  School of Journalism and Communication (SJC)  I thank very much all lecturers in this School who shared with me knowledge, practical and theoretical during 4 years .
My gratitude goes to those who fashioned me to pronounce the vowel “A” I appreciate their hand in making me who I am today.
My thanks go to my supervisor Joseph Njuguna respectively Director of the school, he has put in time and great effort to accomplish this study, he was always nearby me to help  me correct any mistake appeared in the  research. I appreciated his help.

May God bless you all!

                                                                    Joachim NKURIKIYUMUKIZA

This study was carried out on Nyabugogo bus park locates in Kimisagara sector, Nyarugenge District, Kigali city. The research is titled “Easing business through efficient transport system ” the final work was presented in an audio documentary .The research has the following objectives : To show in an audio documentary the state of urban transportation precisely Nyabugogo bus  park  in business development. To evaluate the perceptions of the people around this bus park. To analyze the media content about transportation system in Rwanda .To identify problems and challenges caused by Nyabugogo bus park.To come up with suggestions and recommendations on how everyday activities in Nyabugogo taxi Park would be implemented to make it very productive. 
The population of the study included business owners, passengers, drivers, authorities with responsibities over Nyabugogo bus park .
Nyabugogo bus park accommodates big number of taxi, it is an arrival and departing place of crowd of passengers from different regions .These passengers are the main clients of shops in Nyabugogo. This contributes to the business development in this area.
The data were collected using observation and interview the last one was used by asking questions to the business owners about their prime clients and how they practice their commercial activities. The way they deal with the big number of people. The passengers were asked about transport system’s challenges, the way they access to what they need for direct or indirect consumption.
The observation focused on movement of cars  and that of passengers their activities. It sought to know the connection between passengers and business  and was also aiming to give  description of Nyabugogo bus park , its infrastructures, its capacity of accommodating cars and to know the kind of business applied there around.
Trough the above techniques, the research showed that Nyabugogo bus park  is the area of big commercial activities and is contributing to new job creation, and is helping many people with law capital to  earn money to survive.
From this study, the researcher concluded that the park has a great impact on easing the feasibility of the business , this positive impact may increase whenever  Some  challenges like  infrastructure which are not equivalent to the business done there  get taken into consideration.


RURA: Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Agency
RFTC: Rwanda Federation Transport Cooperatives
RTDA: Rwanda Transport Development Agency
RDB: Rwanda Development Board
 AVE: Alta Velocidad  Española
 USA: United States of America
NBDEW: New Business Development In Eastern Washington
CD: Compact Disk
EAC: East African Community
NUR: National University of Rwanda
FAMSS: Faculty of Arts Media and Social Sciences
SJC: School of Journalism and Communication
ATMs: Automatic Teller Machines
 KCC: Kigali City Council
HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol
CTD: City’s Transportation Department


Table1: The design of the observation
Table 2: Interviewed people and why
Table 3: Activities inside the bus park
Table 4: Businesses in few miles from bus park

                          TABLE OF CONTENTS
DEDICATION ……………………………………………………………………………....…..ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ………………………………………………………………..….iii
ABSTRACT ………………………………………………………………………………..…...iv
LIST OF TABLES …………………………………………………………………………...…vi
TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………………………………………………………………...vii
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………1
       1.1 Background …………………………………………………………………………....…1
       1.1.2 Description and views of media about the formal Nyabugogo bus park  ………..…….1
       1.1.3 NYABUGOGO BUS PARK AFTER GET REPAIRED ……………………………...2 Complains of people who held commercial activities  in Kigali centre……….…..….3 The side of passengers ………………………..………………………………………3
      INTERNATIONAL MEDIA ……………………………………………………………...…4
      1. 2. Statement of the problem …………………..…………………………………………....5
      1.3. The hypothesis of the study …………..………………………………………………….7
      1.4. Objective of the study …………………………………………………………………....7
      1.5. Research Question ……………………………………………………………………...8
      1.6. Significance of the study ………………………………………………………………..8
      1.7. Scope of the study ………………………………………………………………………9
      1.8. Research methodology ………………………………………………………………….9
      1.8.1. Audio recording ……………………………………………………………………….9
      1.8.1. Recorder……………………………………………………………………………….9
      1.9. Organization of the study ……………………………………………………………….9
      2.1. LITERATURE REVIEW …..………………………………………………………......10
      2.1.1. Transport system and business …………………………………………..……………10
      2.1.2. Inefficient transportation increases the costs………………………………………….12
      2.1.4. MEDIA AND TRANSPORT SYSTEM IN RWANDA  …………………………….15 Description and views of media about the formal Nyabugogo bus park  …..………15 Media content about the current Nyabugogo bus park ……......……………………16
       AND BUSNESS ……………………………………………………………………………19 .TRANSPORT SYSTEM AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT …….....………….19 The transport system in the third world …….………………………………………19
      2.1.6. STEPS OF DOCUMENTARY …………………………………………………….....20 .Seven steps of documentary ………………………………………………………...20
        WORLWIDE ………………………………………………………………………………23 The documentary “beyond the motor city” by the city fix ….…………………...23
       2.1.8. RWANDA URBAN TRANSPORT SYSTEM …….………………………………..24 Rwanda transport system since 1995 ……………………………………………….24 The current Rwanda transport system ……………………………………………...25
       2.2. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK ……………………………………………………..26
       3.1. Description of researching area ………………………...………...…………………....31
       3.2. Introduction to methodology …………………………………………………………...31
       3.3. Data collection techniques …………...…………………………….…………………..33
      3.3.1. Historical research techniques………………………………………………………...33
      3.3.2. Observation …..……………………………………………………………………….34 Non-participant observation………………………………………………………...34
       Table No 1: The design of our observation ………………………………………………....36 Participant observation……………………………………………………………..36 The application of participatory observation in our study ………………………36
      3.3.3. Interview technique ……..…………………………………………………………….37 Interviewed people and why ……………………………………………………….38
       3.3.4. THE STUDY IS QUALITATIVE IN NATURE……………………………………..39
       3.3.5. RESEARCH DESIGN ……………………………………………………………….39
       3.3.6. POPULATION STUDY AND SAMPLE ……………………………………………39
       3.3.7. SAMPLE SIZE AND ITS SELECTION …………………………………………….40
       3.3.8. THE STUDY AREA ………………………………………………………………....40
       4.1. Introduction ……………………………………………………………………...……..41
       4.2 Description of the Audio Documentary……………………………………………….. .41
       4.3. Description of observed events and activities in Nyabugogo bus park………………...41
       4.4. The briefing about the result of the research on business activities around    Nyabugogo   
       bus park. ……….……………………………………………………………………………44
       4.4.1. The documentary content…………………………………………………………….44
        5.1. General conclusion……………………………………………………………………..48
        5.2. Recommendations ……………………………………………………………………..48
        5.2.1. To authorities in charge of activities in Nyabugogo bus park……………………….48
        5.2.2. To business owners ………………………………………………………………….48
        5.2.3. To passengers ………………………………………………………………………..49
        5.2.4.To drivers …………………………………………………………………………….49
        5.2.5. To police …………………………………………………………………………….49
        REFERENCES …………………………………………………………………………….50
  THE AUDIO DOCUMENTARY SCRIPT…………………………………………………….52
  NYABUGOGO BUS PARK PHOTO …………………………………………………………………..61

                                  CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 
1.1 Background
Nyabugogo bus park is the big ground where small taxis, big buses , and many other small cars carrying passengers from different provinces of Rwanda and from neighboring countries like Uganda, Burundi, Congo , Tanzania , and Kenya arrive or depart from . All cars from these regions park on this ground in order to let passengers get out or getting in to travel to their respective destination.
Nyabugogo bus park is located  in Kimisagara sector, Nyarugenge district , Kigali city. It was first constructed in 1988 for parking purposes only, and it was not intended to be a national bus park. In 1997 a real bus park was needed so as to decongest the central bus park from busses from upcountry and outside of the country.   Eng. Egide Mugwiza, the director of Urban Planning and Infrastructure Development, told the Rwanda focus Oct 29 2007.  
Nowadays it accommodates around 500 busses “Rwanda focus Oct 29 2007” these buses carry passengers to Kigali city and other carry passengers from Kigali to their respective destination. Nyabugogo bus park is always crowded with many people from different areas, people with different purposes and needs. Some people go in Kigali to buy goods for commercial and to visit their families.
Before 2010 this bus park was used by small taxis known as taxi hiace along with other transit goods cars. The condition in this park was very bad .The ground was very dusty full in dry season and full of mud in rain season. In that time no one could believe that it is main park of the   city like Kigali. This issues was not noticed by people only but the media talked much about it.
1.1.2 Description and views of media about the formal Nyabugogo bus park 
“Kigali is blessed with one of the least troublesome traffic systems in the region. The occasional traffic hold ups in the city centre are nothing compared to what happens in Nairobi, Dar es Salaam or Kampala.
In those other cities the proverbial rush hour can last the whole day particularly during the weekdays!”  wrote Alain Brian Ssenyonga ,The Sunday time July 11, 2010
He continued “For all of Kigali’s orderliness as far as the transport system is concerned, the poor state of the main taxi park at Nyabugogo always stood out like a sore thumb. The place has become known for the dust during the dry season and mud when it rains. As if that is not enough, there is a broken sewage system that keeps the park constantly wet with filth” Interestingly. Many people do not realize that Nyabugogo is often the first major stop for the hundreds of travelers who come here aboard the interstate buses from Kampala, Nairobi, Dar es Salaam, Bujumbura or Goma. Just like the airport at Kanombe, Nyabugogo deserves to have a huge billboard welcoming people to Rwanda or Kigali.
The poor state of this taxi park has mainly served to etch a regrettable first impression on the minds of visitors to this country.
In the time Nyabugogo bus park was not considered as an important area to launch business, there were few people opened their business activities. Several times different media wrote, broadcast much about the crowd of people along with many small business activities which were mostly seen by Kigali city administrative as a disorder. “Hawkers and vendors have been evicted from the streets of Nyabugogo in a clean-up exercise.  Nyabugogo is one of Kigali’s low-class and busiest suburbs. Several kiosks in Nyabugogo Taxi park have also been pulled down. The clean-up exercise follows the mayor’s recent visit to the area. However, shop owners, under Twunguke Cooperative Society, are frustrated by the move. The cooperative’s vice chairperson, Edrisa Sengoga, said that hawkers are their ‘first hand or middlemen customers’ who link them with passengers”. wrote  Kihesi Rwaguma society magazine of  September 27, 2007
Soon after several comments of media up on this Nyabugogo bus park, majors of repairing it were elaborated and the new repaired Nyabugogo was launched around 2011.Since then it became a big space to accommodate a large number of cars. Including cars of transport  agencies which were operating in different part of Kigali city such as in Kigali centre known as  Rubangura area.
After the announcement of this shift of passengers transport agencies by Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Agencies known as RURA in collaboration with Kigali city authorities , this park was seen as the main  arrival of different people from different regions. And that was considered as something which may easy business feasibility which may contribute to the development of business.
On the other side media in their analysis found that the shift of all these traveling cars would affect different domain. Complains of people who held commercial activities  in Kigali centre
”The people who owns shops in Kigali centre where transport agencies used to park  are claiming the business failures due to the departure of passengers who had been their main clients before. Some of them have decided to close their doors because Nyabugogo bus park has no sufficient space for business.
The authorities of Kigali city responded that way it was the measure taken to harmonize the situation in Kigali city which had been marked with disorder and insufficient park for cars carrying passengers . And is because of the rehabilitation of houses in which the transport companies agencies had been working in”. ( Aired story ‘Radio Isango Star ’ Archives) The side of passengers
The decision was not received well by passengers some were complaining from the long way from Nyabugogo to Kigali centre where most of them said to carry out their everyday activities.
”This new transport system has brought to us a loss. We have been obliged to pay twice for a journey we used to pay once before. It is disgraceful to pay money from Nyabugogo to Kigali centre! said passengers from Southern province “(story aired on Radio Salus Archives)
Nyabugogo bus park is now  an arrival and departure of  big number of buses , to mean transport agencies , Virunga express, Volcano express, Horizon express, Kigali safaris , Kigali Bus service , Impala express  , Stella express , Omega  express ,Matunda ,excel ,Gaga coach, Jaguar  express and many more  plus a huge number of  small taxis hiace corporate  in RFTC, Rwanda Federation Transport Cooperatives.
This transport system has made the business to become easier in Nyabugogo bus park. Some people find Nyabugogo national bus park the best area to launch business activities.
In Nyabugogo bus park, there are shops, and other houses where passengers, drivers use to buy different things for direct consumption or for carrying to their respective homes. These movements make this bus park not to be seen as an area for one importance but also as a very considerable area for commercial activities, a favorable sphere for business.
Nyabugogo bus park should be one of the good example which show how transport system impact a lot on business development. This may be right referring to some ideas of different authors wrote about transport system. The role of transportation in business development is emphasized by some authors like Jean-Paul Rodrigue, Claude Comtois and Brian Slack in the book the geography of transport systems (2009)352 pages. the transport sector is an important component of the economy impacting on development and the welfare of populations. When transport systems are efficient, they provide economic and social opportunities and benefits that result in positive multiplies effects such as better accessibility to markets, employment and additional investments.

The role of transport system in promoting business development is usual in countries where the system has been reinforced.
“The city’s transportation.“ In case after case, results the creation of new projects, really do set the table for economic development.” In USA, the City’s Transportation Department(CTD) says it has identified another benefit to pedestrian plazas, bike lanes and a rapid-transit bus system: Businesses that operate nearby roads  have seen a pronounced bump. The department has even tied to economic improvement, citing a 71 percent increase in retail sales along Fordham road in the Bronx. Ms. Sadik-Khan said increased ridership and faster-moving buses was most likely drawing more patrons to the businesses” A Report says transit initiatives are giving a boost to businesses byMatt Flegenheimer  The New York Times October 24, 2012.

Nyabugogo bus park became the common place for many people who want to have access to taxi and buses.The commercial business increase day after day due to these cars.
This  research tried to reflect the reality behind.
The transportation area and business development on the same area. It was the time to talk to people who carry out business activities around this bus park of Nyabugogo. The description of the role of this bus park showed really about what  is park influence on business development on the area . It showed how business dealers manage the coming and going of the people from different corners with different behaviors. It was a good time to analyze the stand of media in Rwanda about transport system. How important it is and how people around Nyabugogo bus park benefit from it. What are daily challenges due to this park.
To research for the meaning of  Nyabugogo bus park went through the deep study of the movement of passengers, car drivers, and drivers assistants. This research was the pitch to know how people value the going and coming of  buses to  Nyabugogo and what they gain from the movement.
Referring to the description of the formal Nyabugogo bus park and the current Nyabugogo bus park the comparison between these periods is crucial.
To highlight the urban transportation system in easing business development gave an idea to the people, how beneficial is to invest in area like Nyabugogo bus park where there are coming and going of the people.
1. 2. Statement of the problem
Business activities around Nyabugogo bus  park  is not yet at its climax. Referring to insufficient  business  in Nyabugogo , we can say that the wealth of Nyabugogo bus park is not being profited as it should be . May be people do not feel committed in launching new business activities that would attract people from different region such as neighboring countries or there is another reason like lack of funds to launch business there in Nyabugogo bus park. That place would have been a very considerable place for exhibition of creative production of Rwanda, innovative product.
 Referring to the information read from books of different authors all around the world like William R. Gillis, Ph.D. in North Adams Ritzville in cooperation with Kenneth L. Casavant, in their book transportation system improvements to new business development In Eastern Washington .They show how park like Nyabugogo has a very considerable significance to the development  in countries whenever this place get  well exploited. Like when people are committed to set business there around  “  high traffic routes provide visibility and convenient access for customers and suppliers  many retail and service growth industries also prefer locations in close proximity to the inter regions roads  as well as on a high traffic route. Food and drink establishments and specialty retail” Transportation system improvements to new business development In Eastern Washington Page 20.
This information from the book, shows that  the crowded  space like Nyabugogo bus park  is an area that need to be exploited by launching business there around .Nowadays   Nyabugogo bus park is not being exploited as it should be. 
People are not motivated in launching new businesses to profit this Nyabugogo bus park. This research would help people who will read the research to think and to rethink about the place like this one and decide what kind of business they might launch.
Government should launch some special campaigns to sensitize people about the feasibility of business in the place like Nyabugogo bus park .This research highlighted the views of media about the transportation system .The analysis of the feature stories in news papers helped  us to discover what should be the contribution of the government in making Nyabugogo bus park more beneficial to people.    
People do not feel the value of coming and going of buses to Nyabugogo , we need also to show the difference between the time Nyabugogo as a taxi park was not there and today’s time where Nyabugogo is a main bus  park.
 1.3. The hypothesis of the study
Some people consider Nyabugogo bus park as a place which has a single role of enabling everyday activities of divers, passengers but they do not see its main role in promoting business, its role in business development. The research aims to clarify the hidden influence of Nyabugogo bus park and some other places like in market, schools, where many people crowd for a certain purpose. Their role  in business development .We tend to reveal the testimonies from the people who do their business activities around and nearby Nyabugogo bus Park.
People have not got chance to access the information about the productivity in terms of business on place like Nyabugogo bus park. They are not aware of its role in business development. We say this because Rwandan people use to get the information through media and books. The media and books talking about Nyabugogo bus park and other public area are always few.
 1.4. Objective of the study
The overall objective of this study is to show in an audio documentary  the state of Nyabugogo bus park  as one of  transport system in  easing business development. To evaluate the perceptions of the people around Nyabugogo bus park towards this area. This study intend to highlight the way people with small and big business deal with different people from different regions .This involved  the willing to know  the possibilities of  communication with these  people often made by people who do not speak Kinyarwanda.    
Our study on easing business through transport system presented in an audio documentary was undertaken to achieve the following objectives:
1. To show in an audio-documentary the state of urban transportation precisely Nyabugogo bus  park  in business development.
2. To evaluate the perceptions of the people around this bus park.
3. To analyze the media content about transportation system in Rwanda 
4. To identify problems and challenges caused by Nyabugogo bus park.
5. To come up with suggestions and recommendations on how everyday activities in Nyabugogo taxi Park would be implemented to make it very productive. 
1.5. Research Question
The study undertook to answer the following questions:
1. What is the value of Nyabugogo bus park for the people who do business activities there around ?
2. How do business owners, drivers, and other people with different activities in Nyabugogo bus park value coming and going of people to Nyabugogo bus  park  ?  
3. What can be done to improve the feasibility of the businesses on the place like Nyabugogo Taxi parking?  
4. what is Rwandan government is doing in promotion of this  bus park?
5. How do media consider Nyabugogo bus park?
6.what is the media content about Nyabugogo bus park? 
7. What are challenges towards business development in Nyabugogo bus park ?
1.6. Significance of the study
The study explains the  transportation system in Rwanda .The fundamental rules, how the transport is done , explain the ways  transport agencies act. Particularly it identifies  the impact of Nyabugogo bus park on business development. It focuses  on how every day activities are done.  The clarification of the role of the place where people are many like Nyabugogo bus park, would help people to open their mind towards other place like this. Our study is assumed to awaken people and other investors for further information and enable them readjust their efforts in order to improve the quality of their businesses and expand them. It shows the barrier in doing business and what can be done to remove. 

1.7. Scope of the study
The study  focused  on Nyabugogo bus park as a main park in Kigali which accommodates people from provinces to mean Northern, Southern Western and Eastern of Rwanda plus people from neighboring countries.
The research conducted interviews to the people with business activities nearby Nyabugogo bus  park. The researcher interviewed passengers, taxi drivers and their helpers.
Our research was conducted in the period of five months January to May 2013.
1.8. Research methodology
The study is qualitative in nature; it seeks to explain how beneficial Nyabugogo bus Park is to business activities .In this study, the researcher mainly used the interviews as a tool for data collection and recording . Basing on the sample, the researcher chose the business practitioners around Nyabugogo bus park and other people who hold various activities nearby Nyabugogo bus  park, passengers and taxi drivers . The researcher interviewed all these categories of people to know much about Nyabugogo bus park its influence on everyday activities . Apart from the interviews there used participatory observation where day after day the researcher followed  on field what is going on Nyabugogo bus park. What are  the movements of the people in Nyabugogo. 
1.8.1. Audio recording
The act or process of making a record,  especially of sound on a gramophone record or magnetic tape.
1.8.1. Recorder
 Recorder is defined as something on which sound or visual images have been recorded or a  signal that encodes something  like  picture or sound.
1.9. Organization of the study
The research project has 5 chapters: The first chapter is the introduction which includes Introduction of the research, Statement of the problem, Objective of the study, Research Question, Significance of the study, scope of the study, Research methodology, Organization of the study. The second chapter is about conceptual framework and literature review. The third is   research design and methodology .The chapter four deals with presenting data in an audio documentary. The fifth which is the last presents general conclusion and recommendations.         
Several scholars have discussed and written a lot about the role of transportation in urban area and the practicability of business activities around Taxi parking ground. The literature review focuses on a number of themes of past researches in urban transportation. It contains what some authors have done or said on this topic or issue. At  the end , it showed  what  is missing or what is still  unclear  in the urban transportation which would lead  to the contribution of the  current  research  on this development activity  and to enlighten the unsaid effectiveness of  transportation in business development . The articles and books with content relate to transportation and business helped us to notice what remains to be done to improve this domain. Most of the researches were done on these issues.
Nyabugogo taxi park  is a very big ground which is always crowded with many people from different regions .The ground  like this one has a very significance role in promoting the commercial activities or business development in the region in which it is located .The history of  bus park  have been there many years ago worldwide . Different writers wrote about this movement of cars and they globalised it in one concept called “transportation” the analysis of the books in this chapter showed what is said by writers about transportation. How it is used to reach at the advanced development and will help the researcher  to know what was discovered and gap of knowledge which need to be fulfilled.
2.1.1. Transport system and business
The transport facilitate the creation of new  businesses .The roads, water are  the main components of transportation , cars , and other vehicles use roads and water  in order to carry out everyday  activities. Where transport is developed like in United State of America the people are committed in launching business near by road and near by sea for water transport .Those people who come up with  idea to launch  business near by road and sea  they have realized that the  high traffic routes provide visibility and convenient access for customers and suppliers.
Many retails and service growth industries also prefer locations in close proximity to the inter regions roads as well as on a high traffic route. Food and drink establishments and
specialty retail, for example, benefit from high customer visibility along interstates and heavily traveled highways. A significant number of new retail and service business owners also cited location near water transportation as important. In general retail and service businesses are not direct users of water transportation. However, some provide support services such as
warehousing, travel arrangements, cargo handling, marine petroleum products, engineering  services or advertising that cater to the needs of water carriers. For other service businesses, location near water transport represents an aesthetic environment that is important to their business. An example is a food and drink establishment located along the water front. Overall, new retail and service businesses located in western Washington were the most likely to identify water transportation as important to their  choice of location.(  Transportation System Improvements To New Business Development In Eastern Washington  Research Report   1 February 1994 By William R. Gillis, Ph.D North Adams Ritzville, and Kenneth L. Casavant,  page 20,30  )
Transportation is not only important for the movement of customers, products and supplier, Transportation systems also provide the means for employees to reach the workplace.
In the introduction of  the book: The geography of transport system Jean-Paul Rodrigue and Dr. Theo Notteboom say that The economic importance of transportation like many economic activities that are intensive in infrastructures, is the sector which is an important component of the economy impacting on development and the welfare of populations. When transport systems are efficient, they provide economic and social opportunities and benefits that result in positive multipliers effects such as better accessibility to markets, employment and additional investments. When transport systems are deficient in terms of capacity or reliability, they can have an economic cost such as reduced or missed opportunities. Efficient transportation reduces costs, while inefficient transportation increases costs.
Transport also contributes to economic development through job creation and its derived economic activities. Accordingly, a large number of direct (freighters, managers, shippers) and indirect (insurance, finance, packaging, handling, travel agencies, transit operators) employment are associated with transport. Producers and consumers take economic decisions on products, markets, costs, location, prices which are themselves based on transport services, their availability, costs and capacity. Socioeconomic Impacts While many of the economic impacts of transportation are positive, there are also significant negative impacts that are assumed by individuals or by the society (the geography of transport system Jean-Paul Rodrigue and Dr. Theo Notteboom )
Transport also carries an important social and environmental load, which cannot be neglected. The added value and employment effects of transport services usually extend beyond employment and added value generated by that activity.

 2.1.2. Inefficient transportation increases the costs
The inefficient transportation is the transport which has not good plan , bad way of management of vehicles and the roads are not adequate this cause danger . The problem of ineffective transportation is found in the third world countries. These are the effects which go always with inefficient transportation system:
·         Congestion. With the increased use of transport systems, it has become increasingly common for parts of the network to be used above design capacity. Congestion is the outcome of such a situation with its associated costs, delays and waste of energy. Distribution systems that rely upon on-time deliveries are particularly susceptible to congestion.
·         Accidents. The use of transport modes and infrastructure is never entirely safe. Every motorized vehicle contains an element of danger and nuisance. Due to human errors and various forms of physical failures (mechanical or infrastructural) injuries, damages and even death occur. Accidents tend to be proportional to the intensity of use of transport infrastructures which means the more traffic the higher the probability for an accident to occur. They have important socioeconomic impacts including healthcare, insurance, damage to property and the loss of life. The respective level of safety depends on the mode of transport and the speed at which an accident occurs. No mode is completely safe but the road remains the most dangerous medium for transportation, accounting for 90% of all transport accidents on average (Statistics for OECD countries). At the global level about 1.3 million people died in road accidents in 2010 in addition to 50 million injuries. China has one of the highest car accident death rates in the world, with more than 110,000 fatalities per year (300 per day), a factor mainly due to recent growth in vehicle ownership.
·         Mobility gaps. Since mobility is one of the fundamental components of the economic benefits of transportation, its variations are likely to have substantial impacts on the opportunities of individuals. Mobility needs do not always coincide due to several factors, namely the lack of income, lack of time, lack of means and the lack of access. People’s mobility and transport demands thus depend on their socioeconomic situation. The higher the income, the higher the mobility, which may give rise to substantial mobility gaps between different population groups. Gender gaps exist in mobility as women tend to have lower incomes. Mobility gaps are particularly prevalent for long distance travel. With the development of air transport, a segment of the global population has achieved a very high level of mobility for their business and leisure activities, while the great majority of the global population has little mobility. This issue is expected to become more acute as the population of many advanced economies is aging rapidly, which implies that access to mobility will not be an income issue but an age issue
Costs differences. Locations that have low levels of accessibility, such as landlocked countries, tend to have higher costs for many goods (sometimes basic necessities such as food) as most have to be imported, often over long distances. The resulting higher transport costs inhibit the competitiveness of such locations and limits opportunities. Consumers and industries will pay higher prices, impacting on their welfare (disposable income) and competitiveness. (
The communication is  the important component embedded In the transport, the everyday  traveling  , the welfare of transportation is caused by effective communication .When traveling into same car the interaction between people often with different languages from different region  result a kind of enrichment in communication skills and collaboration .The transportation of different passengers to a given region is also a transportation of a culture to another region. This transport system result a mix of culture which is sometime good.
Transport and communication systems are the key to the movement of goods, people, information and ideas, and to access to markets, employment, schools and other facilities. And land use, both within cities and between cities, and in rural and other remote areas.  
Social interaction and leisure facilitates important economic activities, including obtaining food and other necessities of life.
A good communication may facilitate good transportation and verse versa
“The urban transportation project may give a rise to the number of business activities. These  include development and management  of park areas around stations food  stalls, book- stores, banking services such as ATMs .Metro  stations provide  a captive  traffic  for such  business . Urban transportation  projects  generate  multiple  benefits ranging  from pure  private  good  to public  good . The beneficiaries for each category are also different” wrote  Andrew Chan Yink Hong 27 July 2009 .
This indicates how the transportation is the domain that need to be enhanced in Rwanda because there is no doubt about its importance.
The urban transportation is a urgent  sector that bring a very considerable income if well sustained as said by different  writers  “ Urban  mobility  or transportation  is one  such  basic  requirement ensuring smooth and efficient  movement  of people  and goods in urban areas has  direct  economic  benefits and  enhances productivity of  workers. The availability of good and efficient transportation services at life of affordable costs also enhances the quality of life residents ”continues Andrew Chan Yink Hong 27 July 2009.
The appreciation of the role of the ground like Nyabugogo bus park, believing that it is the best ground for investors or for business openers may increase employment.” It is  necessary to consider urban  transportation  financing  as part of a  comprehensive  framework  which  captures  the variety of benefits  that  accrue  to different  forms  of beneficiaries  rather  than in  the  narrow  sense  of  financing  a metro taxi , bus rapid transit system ,or  urban road network ”.( The world bank : study  on urban  transport development  August  2000  under  direction by  Kenneth  M. Guilliam  and Gerhald  Menckoft ).
Earl Swift  in his book titled The Big Roads: The Untold Story about Transportation, urban transportation financing should seek to achieve the following objectives:
·         Maximize the social - economic benefits to the society through implementation of the most cost effective   options for urban transportation.
·         Capture value from direct benefits to project used and as well as value from significant positive externalities that will accrue indirectly.
·         Ensure affordability of public transportation fares to encourage usage  and  maximize  consumer welfare .
The united  nations economic and social commission for Asia and the pacific  and city net 2012, in its report sustainable  urban  transportation  systems  is saying  that  transport is a key  infrastructure  sector  that  acts  as a  stimulus  to economic  growth  and  is  important  element  of strategies  for poverty  reduction  regional and  national  development. Transportation  is not  just  about  moving  people  but  it is  also  involves  the movement  of goods . A recent study  done  by this commission shows that  10 to 18 percent  of trips in  an urban  area  involve  the  movement  of goods .Still the problem towards benefiting transportation is a lack of sufficient   staff with  technical  and  financial competency in both  the public transportation  and private sectors investments. Policies are often   not well coordinated there is also a chronic shortage of financial resources to support capital-intensive urban bus.
2.1.4. MEDIA AND TRANSPORT SYSTEM IN RWANDA Description and views of media about the formal Nyabugogo bus park 
“Kigali is blessed with one of the least troublesome traffic systems in the region. The occasional traffic hold ups in the city centre are nothing compared to what happens in Nairobi, Dar es Salaam or Kampala. In those other cities the proverbial rush hour can last the whole day particularly during the weekdays!”  wrote Alain Brian Ssenyonga ,The Sunday time July 11, 2010
He continued “For all of Kigali’s orderliness as far as the transport system is concerned, the poor state of the main taxi park at Nyabugogo always stood out like a sore thumb. The place has become known for the dust during the dry season and mud when it rains. As if that is not enough, there is a broken sewage system that keeps the park constantly wet with filth” Interestingly, many people do not realize that Nyabugogo is often the first major stop for the hundreds of travelers who come here aboard the interstate buses from Kampala, Nairobi, Dar es Salaam, Bujumbura or Goma. Just like the airport at Kanombe, Nyabugogo deserves to have a huge billboard welcoming people to Rwanda or Kigali.
The poor state of this taxi park has mainly served to etch a regrettable first impression on the minds of visitors to this country.
In the time Nyabugogo bus park was not considered as an important area to launch business there were few people opened  their business activities . Several times different media wrote, broadcast much about the crowd of people along with many small business activities which were mostly seen by Kigali city administrative as a disorder. “Hawkers and vendors have been evicted from the streets of Nyabugogo in a clean-up exercise.  Nyabugogo is one of Kigali’s low-class and busiest suburbs. Several kiosks in Nyabugogo taxi park have also been pulled down. The clean-up exercise follows the mayor’s recent visit to the area. However, shop owners under Twunguke Cooperative Society are frustrated by the move. The cooperative’s vice chairperson, Edrisa Sengoga, said that hawkers are their ‘first hand or middlemen customers’ who link them with passengers”. By Kihesi Rwaguma Society Magazine of   September 27, 2007 Media content about the current Nyabugogo bus park
Different media working in Rwanda published, broadcasted, posted on internet stories about Nyabugogo bus park .Some of them talked about it before its reparation and other after. The following story was extracted in The Rwanda focus archives story posted on Oct 29 2007. “ Nyabugogo bus park which was constructed only ten years ago, is today in a sad state of disrepair. It is an example of a construction project that was carried out hastily and without proper planning. The result is that it has not withstood the test of time.
“I don’t think that the construction of Nyabugogo Bus Park was a planned venture,” says Idrisa Mufora, a shopkeeper in Nyabogogo Bus Park.
The “gare”, as many people call it, is located in Nyabugogo and is used by all buses to and from the provinces and neighboring Uganda, Tanzania and Congo. It was constructed in 1997 by the Kigali City Council to reduce the disorder reigning the bus park in the city center.
“For sure, there was no plan for the bus park, it was more of an emergency call from the transport association Atraco to KCC, whose job is to keep the city shipshape,” Felix Masengesho, the Executive secretary of Kimisagara district admits.
“Look, the roads are bad, the toilets were poorly constructed and I don’t think they really thought of how this place would look like, since the houses we work in were built after gare’s construction,” Mr. Mufora says.
The current state of the gare, already dilapidated only ten years after its construction, raises the question whether other infrastructure works currently underway will meet the same fate. Will they last or collapse given that to-date structures that one finds along Kigali’s streets are storey buildings.
“There should be good organization and planning when it comes to construction, to ensure that the sites will last and are up to standards,” Mr. Idrisa said.
The Nyabugogo bus park originally fell under the responsibility of Kigali City, but was afterwards transferred to Kimisagara sector. Yet whoever was responsible, it seems construction of the gare and the surrounding buildings was done in a haphazard and chaotic way.
“Today, the gare has become a place for business people rather than for transportation purposes,” Masengesho commented, adding that there are plans to carry out a study for the reconstruction of the Nyabugogo bus park.
It is clear that the gare was constructed in a hurried way to quickly reduce the chaos in the city center, yet without proper planning. The result is that today there are serious problems with the drainage systems, and as a result the roads are damaged by rain.
Masengesho explains that the problem is that there has been no follow-up, so that problems that arise are not noticed or acted upon, and the damage gets worse.
Eng. Egide Mugwiza, the director of Urban Planning and Infrastructure Development, explains that the nyabugogo gare was first constructed in 1988 for parking purposes only, and was not intended to be a bus park. In 1997 a real bus park was needed so as to decongest the central bus park from busses from upcountry and outside of the country.
However, according to Mugwiza, the capacity of the gare is now far below the actual number of busses that are using it today, estimated at some 500, which explains the poor state of the roads. Moreover, he says the drainage system is of poor quality, thus adding to the damage.
Furthermore, Eng. Mugwiza noted that the problem only becomes worse because the gare had never been maintained.
“Yet a study is now under way to renovate the gare,” he concludes on a hopeful note
 The above story show complains of people about the low capacity of  Nyabugogo bus park  to accommodate the actual number of cars which is estimated to exceed the ground .
Coming back to the action of shifting bus from Kigali centre to Nyabugogo bus park .Before this happened, they had been promised to have a new built bus park in Kigali centre  in order to facilitate the people who were complaining for their double payment to Kigali city centre  where most of them said to carry out their everyday activities . After a year media said that the promise will not be there .the below story published after the conference of minister of state in Ministry of infrastructure Dr Nzabahimana Alex with media. This is the lead of the story posted on on the 14-10-2012 
“There have been two year since the action of building kigali city bus park get started ,even Prime Minister visited the area and he was given information that it would be built very soon . today it has been said that no park will be built in Kigali centre.” As it has announced by Minister of state in Ministry of infrastructure Dr Nzabahimana Alex in the conference with journalists on 12 October 2012  no park will be built in Kigali city... 

The role of transport system in the promotion of business development is usual in countries where the system has been reinforced. Media use to explain the impact of the system to the development of the country.“The city’s transportation.“ In case after case, results the creation of new projects, really do set the table for economic development.” In USA, the city’s Transportation department says it has identified another benefit to pedestrian plazas, bike lanes and a rapid-transit bus system: Businesses that operate nearby have seen a pronounced bump. The department has even tied to economic improvement, citing a 71 percent increase in retail sales along Fordham Road in the Bronx. Ms. Sadik-Khan said increased ridership and faster-moving buses was most likely drawing more patrons to the businesses” A Report Says Transit Initiatives are giving a boost to businesses By  Matt Flegenheimer  The New York Times October 24, 2012. The transport system in the third world
In many countries of third world the transport system dominated with the use of motorized vehicles, mostly two-wheelers. This system is criticized to have the greatest congestion and the most polluted environment.
Passenger movement are poor, relatively unproductive, and wish to change their situations. Of all cities, megacities have the highest travel times, the greatest congestion, and the most polluted environments. The strategic quandary, particularly in countries where the capital city dominates, is how to retain the economic benefits of city scale while limiting the deterioration of transport performance that may be associated with size and density. Particularly in Asia, this deterioration of transport performance appears to be generating a rapid growth of motorized two-wheelers that are faster than either bicycles (because of their power) or buses (because of their personal nature, thus their maneuverability).The new two-wheelers are so inexpensive that even the relatively poor can afford them. (
When preparing development strategies, a number of issues must be examined, including expansion of the road infrastructure, urban freight policies, and the roles of the private sector. Road infrastructure expansion high levels of traffic congestion certainly give an impression of inadequacy of urban road infrastructure in many developing countries.(
Our research is presented in audio documentary; Audio documentary is a work of gathering the information. That work carries informative programs mostly to be broadcast through a certain medium straight to the homes of the public. The documentary tend to consist of recorded interviews, debates, and factual information to be shared with listeners or public. The subject matter covered by documentaries often includes historical events, people of influence, and current issues, but are not restricted to such categories. Wrote Scottish John Grierson who is said to be the first to use the term documentary . The documentary rely heavily on audio techniques to engage the audience, allowing them to visualize what is being described. Sound is therefore a key instrument in developing a quality program. .Seven steps of documentary
1. Development of an idea
This step, clarifies the idea, the topic to be covered, it  tries to explain the relationship between the  interviewed or observed events (people involved in the documentary) with the topic. 
2. The Outline of the project and defines of the details
This step is to make a list of materials and equipment that is needed for recording and then choose   team and set out responsibilities. Here the use voice recorder to record all interviews, and notes book to note the observed information is necessary.

 3. To decide who to approach with the concept:
This step deals with specifying of the people involved in the work. That means the kind of people who must be interviewed or observed what they do or their job .Why they are interviewed , their relationship with the work  and the related information needed from them .
4. Writing a proposal
It is a detailed proposal that discusses the documentary’s subject matter, its length, show the people who will be involved, how they will be involved, their role in the documentary and the overall purpose of the project.
 5. Research the content
When developing a social awareness project, especially one promoting business feasibility  awareness on an place like Nyabugogo bus park , doing the proper research is mandatory. The information to choose for using must be accurate and as current as possible. Referring to this research  it necessary to start by visiting Nyabugogo bus park, visit libraries to check books in related content as well as doing research online. All these are done along with conducting  interviews, careful  observations .
In this section the media take main place, the analysis of the written or broadcast stories about issues of Nyabugogo bus park are done to discover the media content  about the park, transport system in general and business development.
6. Write a script
Apart from the storyline of the documentary it is crucial to think about relevant music that is put in the  background of  the final documentary . And other types of audio techniques to illustrate the stories and information that is being shared. It is important to ensure that ideas are communicated clearly.

7. Record the show
It is a step of recording, taking notes of observed things in the researching area. Then after, it comes a final time to gather the researched information or data and record of the whole scripts and enclose the clips recorded during the conducted interviews with said sample. The use voice recorder is necessary.
Bill Nichols in the book Introduction to Documentary (2001) and Representing Reality (1991), split Documentaries into six different forms.
1. Poetic documentaries, The poetic mode moved away from continuity editing and instead organized images of the material world by means of associations and patterns, both in terms of time and space. Well-rounded characters ’life-like people’ were absent; instead, people appeared in these films as entities, just like any other, that are found in the material world.
 2. Expository documentaries, speak directly to the viewer, often in the form of an authoritative commentary employing voiceover or titles, proposing a strong argument and point of view. These documentaries are rhetorical, and try to persuade the viewer. (They may use a rich and sonorous male voice.) The (voice-of-God) commentary often sounds ‘objective’ and omniscient. In film documentary the Images are often not paramount; they exist to advance the argument. The rhetoric insistently presses upon us to read the images in a certain fashion. Historical documentaries in this mode deliver an unproblematic and ‘objective’ account and interpretation of past events.
3. Observational documentaries, attempt to simply and spontaneously observe lived life with a minimum of intervention. Documentary makers who worked in this sub-genre often saw the poetic mode as too abstract and the expository mode as too didactic. The first observational docs date back to the 1960’s.
4. Participatory documentaries, believe that it is impossible for the act of documentary making to not influence or alter the events being filmed. What these films do is emulate the approach of the anthropologist: participant-observation.
5. Reflexive documentaries, don’t see themselves as a transparent window on the world; instead they draw attention to their own contractedness, and the fact that they are representations. How does the world get represented by documentary films? This question is central to this sub-genre of films. They prompt us to “question the authenticity of documentary in general.” It is the most self-conscious of all the modes, and is highly skeptical of ‘realism.
6. Performative documentaries , stress subjective experience and emotional response to the world. They are strongly personal, unconventional, perhaps poetic and/or experimental, and might include hypothetical enactments of events designed to make us experience what it might be like for us to possess a certain specific perspective on the world that is not our own. SAMPLE OF DOCUMENTARY ABOUT URBAN TRANSPORTATION WORLWIDE The documentary “beyond the motor city” by the city fix
The documentary “BEYOND THE MOTOR CITY ’’ published by public broadcasting service presented by Megan Mc Conville February 10,2010 .The documentary reveals Amerca’ s Transport past . Beyond the motor city, is a broad look at the USA’s transportation history through the lens of the experience of detroit. A city once renowned for its auto manufacturing and now for its extreme deterioration. A compelling mix of documentary filmmaking and advocacy, the episode lays out detroit’s urban and transportation problems while examining the federal role (or lack thereof) in transportation throughout American history.
The documentary makers view detroit as the canary in the coal mine and a potential model for other American cities.  In its dual role as the archetypal auto-dependent USA city and the home of the auto industry, detroit has suffered intensely with the decline of domestic car manufacturing.  If the city can reinvent itself, the documentary suggests, there is hope for other USA urban areas and for American innovation and technology development as they move into a post-automobile future.
The episode traces the rise and fall of the Motor City, from the boom years, when its population reached almost 2 million and it boasted a dense public transportation network and a vibrant downtown, to the present, when half of that population has fled to the suburbs, and as narrator Miles O’Brien says, the “former world capital of transportation is having trouble transporting its own citizens.”  The show tells the story of detroit’s failed regional rail system, which was reduced to the 3-mile and notes the difficulty of operating a transit system that must serve such a diffuse population, spread across so many vacant neighborhoods. 
The documentary takes an international look at regional transportation and provides an interesting contrast between Spain’s national transportation programs and the lack of federal leadership in the USA Spain’s Alta Velocidad  Española (AVE) rail system was created as an emblem for a comprehensive national transport system, and has been immensely successful, transforming cities and cementing the country’s role as an infrastructure leader and manufacturer.  
 In the absence of a federal urban or transportation vision, “Beyond the Motor City” turns the spotlight on some interesting community and corporate initiatives to renew Detroit.  Responding to service cuts, a community center has started running its own transit vehicles, providing transportation to people who need to get to the grocery store and doctors’ appointments.  “Beyond the Motor City” asks some tough questions that are yet to be answered.  Can detroit reinvent itself?  Will the city’s extreme situation lead to innovation, and will that innovation pay off?  Is a new era dawning in American federal transportation policy? 
2.1.8. RWANDA URBAN TRANSPORT SYSTEM Rwanda transport system since 1995
The transport system in that time was structured like this : There were 7868 automobiles and 2048 commercial vehicles  in use .  Bus services connects kigali to 10 prefecture. The most important  roads for  landlocked Rwanda ‘s external trade  run from kigali to kibungo  and from  kigali to kagitumba , thence connecting  by road and rail  with Indian  ocean  ports in Tanzania and Kenya . About  90 % of foreign  trade  was via  the  kakitumba route , which  lead to  the Kenyan  ports  via Uganda , Rwanda had no  railroads (
Up to 2001 There were 8 airports, 4 of which had paved runways. International  airports are Kigali- kanombe  and at  kamembe ,served  by Air Rwanda ,Sabena, Air Zaire ,Aeroflot ,Air Burundi ,Kenya airways, Air Tanzania ,Ethiopian airlines ,and Air France. Directs flights from Europe are available from Brussels, Paris, and Athens .Internal traffic is provided by Air Rwanda to six domestic airfields. The current Rwanda transport system
Nearly all cities and towns have some kind of public transportation including buses and taxis which implies going around in Rwanda.
The transport system in Rwanda centres primarily around the road network, with paved roads between the capital, Kigali and most other major cities and towns in the country. Rwanda is also linked by road with other countries in East Africa, via which the majority of the country's imports and exports are made. A large amount of investment in the transport infrastructure has been made by the government since the 1994 genocide.
Rwanda has a total of 12,000 km of roads, of which 1,000 km are paved. The remainder are dirt roads with quality varying from smooth hard surfaces with drainage to rutted, extremely uneven tracks passable only with a four-wheel drive vehicle.
The survey carried out by the Transport Companies Association in Kigali gives the following statistics: There are 19 bus companies operating a total of 1633 buses of various makes, models and sizes in various parts of Rwanda. In Kigali City itself there are 622 buses operating. Of these 622, 90.6% of them are small Toyota Hiace vehicles, mostly more than 10 years old, and many much older.
There are several daily traveling bus from Rwanda to destinations in East Africa:
Ø  Busses   which connects Kigali to Kampala, the Ugandan capital, via Gatuna  or via Kayonza and Kagitumba
Ø  Regional  bus Services, which runs services to Kampala Nairobi, Kenya and Dar es Salaam,  all via the Gatuna border crossing. These buses are usually air-conditioned.
Ø  Express busses , running between Kigali and Kampala.
Ø  Minibuses service running between Kigali and Bujumbura, Burundi.
The researchers who wrote on this subject of transportation did not go in deep to show really how profitable is the ground of  bus  park  in terms of business development. In the above researches the conductors insisted on  transportation in the  developed countries but they did not insist on countries which are developing .Sure the way of  doing business in these developed countries is very different  to the  developing countries including Rwanda. Our study focused on how business could be done in Rwanda specifically around the bus park of Nyabugogo in order to profit the coming and going of people from different corners. 
Urban land use greatly impacts the sustainability of a transportation  system .One of the goals  of sustainable transportation is to enhance the public  transit  system  and to  reduce  the usage  of personal  vehicles .This is why  transit system and usage  of personal vehicles  are important aspect  of sustainable  urban  transportation. To achieve a sustainable transportation system it is  important  that  sustainable  transportation  is comprehensively  mentioned  in the  transportation  planning .In addition there must be an institutional mechanism to implement the sustainable transportation  system. 
2.2.1. Introduction
This chapter consists of two parts: the conceptual framework of the study and the review of relevant literature. The conceptual framework tries to define the concepts that engage    transportation and business development. After defining concepts it places them in the context of this study.
In conceptual framework this study is defining these keys terms: park, bus park, Double Park, Commercial Vehicle, Business, Business Development, Transportation, Urban, Urban Transport, Public transportation or public transit, sustainable transport, urban area. Audio documentary .recording
2.2.2. Bus park
Bus park area is a place specially designated for taxi or bus  to wait for passengers , or be parked when they are not carrying passengers or in transit. For the purposes of parking, stopping and standing.(Robert Oppenheim ;Urban Travel Demand Modeling (published in 1999)
2.2.3. Park 
Mean where vehicle is put, whether occupied or not otherwise than temporarily for the purpose and while actually engaged in loading or unloading merchandise or passengers. (Oxford
2.2.4. Double Park   
It is said when the driver of a vehicle parks the vehicle on the roadway side of another vehicle that is stopped, standing, or parked at the curb.
2.2.5 A Commercial Vehicle
A commercial vehicle is defined as a vehicle that bears commercial plates, and is permanently altered by having all seats and seat fittings, except the front seats, removed to facilitate the transportation of property. Top of ForBottom of FTop of FormTop of ForBottom of FCommercial vehicle could be defined also as a vehicle designed, maintained, or used primarily for the transportation of property or for the provision of commercial services and bearing commercial plates is considered as commercial vehicle.( Peter Stein ; Cars Galore  published 2011)
2.2.6. Business
Stephen defines business as “the regular purchase and sale of goods undertaken with an objective of earning profit and acquiring wealth through the satisfaction of human wants”
According to dicksee” business refers to form of activity conducted with an objective of earning  profits for the benefits  of those on whose behalf the activity is conducted with an objective or earning profits for the benefits of those on whose behalf the activity is conducted”
Lewis Henry defines business as “human activity directed towards producing or acquiring wealth  through buying and selling of goods.”
Thus the term business means continuous production and distribution of goods and services with the aim of earning profits under uncertain market conditions.
A business is also defined as when an organization involved in the trade of goods, services, or both to consumers. Businesses are predominant in capitalist economies, where most of them are privately owned and administered to earn profit to increase the wealth of their owners. Businesses may also be not for profit or state-owned. A business owned by multiple individuals may be referred to as a company, although that term also has a more precise meaning.
2.2.7.Business Development 
Business development is consistently engaging in activities that result in revenue. These activities need to be consistent and measurable, and revenue needs to be traceable to these activities. Business development in a short clear way is to develop more business for ones own company; business development is getting more revenue in that the normal sales effort. Business development is for those individuals who are not engaged nor trained in true sales and they normally focus on low level smaller deals. They are really more a marketer than a sales person and should not be confused with those in true sales function. So, do they effect revenues business development involves both selling and marketing, hunting and farming. Successful practitioners have to be able to build channels from scratch and extend already existing alliances.
To increase the business is to make a growing of your business on a higher level of revenue growth than increasing sales. Increasing sales is "sell more" to the many people. Business development looks for either new vertical markets or expanding horizontally within a market. (sites,
2.2.8. Transportation
The act of moving something from one location to another is also a process of shipping or moving an item from point A to point B.( the world bank, study on urban transportation  development  final report  , August 2000 . page 12 )
Common forms of transportation include planes, trains, automobiles, and other two-wheel devices such as bikes or motorcycles
Air transportation system is a transportation system for moving passengers or goods by air.
Highway system is a transportation system consisting of roads for motor transport.
Public transit is a public transportation system for moving passengers.
2.2.9 .Urban Transport 
Urban transport is the complex of various forms of transportation that transfers people and cargo within the territory of a city and the immediate sub urban zones and that performs work related to planning and provision of public services and amenities. When there are residential areas which are far from big cities and industrial regions, urban transport connects all of these various entities. Urban transport is an important sector of passengers urban transport encompasses mass public transport carrying passengers along predetermined routes subdivided into street (streetcar, trolleybus, and motor bus) and non street (subway, rapid transit, monorail, or conveyor), passenger car transport (taxi and departmental or private motor vehicles), two-wheeled transport.( The world bank, the study on urban transport development the final report August ,2000 page 12 )
2.2.10. Public transportation or public transit
Public transport is a shared passenger transport service which is available for use by the general public, as distinct from modes such as taxi, car pooling or hired buses which are not shared by strangers without private arrangement. (Transportation redefines the twentieth century west by John C. Hudson, Northwestern University. 2004)
2.2.11. The term sustainable transport 
Sustainable transport is used to describe modes of transport, and systems of transport planning, which are consistent with wider concerns of sustainability.
2.2.12. An urban area
Urban area is characterized by higher population density and vast human features in comparison to areas surrounding it. Urban areas may be cities, towns or conurbations, but the term is not commonly extended to rural settlements such as villages and hamlets. Urban areas are created and further developed by the process of urbanization.(Demographic yearbook 2005, table 6)
2.2.13. Passenger
Any person carried on a car, bus and he is covered by a ticket. or Any person, except members of the crew, carried or to be carried in a bus  with the consent of carrier.
2.2.14. A Documentary
Documentary is the necessity to capture life as it is as it naturally appears. It needs to be filmed surreptitiously, while the goal is to capture life’s unawareness and natural beauty
The term ‘documentary’ stems from the verb ‘to document’ to convey information on the basis of proof and evidence to support it. There is audio, film (video), a documentary is a film that is an attempt, in one fashion or another, to show reality as it really is. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary
2.2.15. An audio documentary
An audio documentary is a purely acoustic performance devoted to covering a particular topic in some depth, usually with a mixture of commentary and sound pictures. It is broadcast on radio or published on audio media, such as tape or CD. Some radio features, especially those including especially composed music or other pieces of audio art. Documentaries can deal with scientific or educational topics, can be a form of journalism or social commentary, or can be a conduit for propaganda or personal expression. Defined   Pare Lorentz in his documentary “The Plow That Broke the Plains (1936)” influenced documentary filmmaking in the 1930s

3.1. Description of researching area
Nyabugogo bus park is the big ground where small taxis, big bus, minu bus, and many other small cars carrying passengers from different provinces of Rwanda and from neighboring countries like Uganda, Burundi, Congo , Tanzania , and Kenya arrive or depart from . All cars from these region park on this ground in order to let passengers get out or getting in to travel to their respective destination.
Nyabugogo bus park k is located  in Kimisagara sector, Nyarugenge District ,Kigali city. It was first constructed in 1988 for parking purposes only, and was not intended to be a bus park. Nowadays it accommodates around 500 busses “Rwanda focus Oct 29 2007” these buses carry passengers to Kigali city and other carry passengers from Kigali to their respective destination.
The study   is titled “Easing business through an efficient transport system, an audio documentary on Nyabugogo bus park” as shown by the title we researched about Nyabugogo bus park. We showed the state of Nyabugogo bus park in business development, to evaluate the perceptions of the people around Nyabugogo bus  park  towards this area. This study   intended to highlight the way people with small and big business deal with different people from different region .The research is the time to analyze the media content in Rwanda about the transport system . It will also involve the willing to know the possibilities of communication with these  people often made by people who do not speak Kinyarwanda.    
The  study on easing business through transport system presented in an audio documentary.
 3.2. Introduction to methodology
Methodology is usually a guideline system for solving a problem, with specific components such as phases, tasks, methods, techniques and tools. It can be defined also as the analysis of the principles of methods, rules, and postulates employed by a discipline, the systematic study of methods that are, can be, or have been applied within a discipline, the study or description of methods. A methodology can be considered to include multiple methods, each as applied to various facets of the whole scope of the methodology. ( Thomas Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (University of Chicago, 1970, 2nd ed.)
The research can be divided between two parts , they are qualitative research and quantitative research.
1. According to Bailey (1978), method means the research technique or tool  used  to gather data . Grinnell and Williams ( 1990) state  methodology as ways of  arriving  at the knowledge  regarding to what  it is .It is also the  philosophy  of the  research  process, which  include the assumptions and values that serve as a rationale for research  and standards or criteria the  researcher uses for  interpreting data.
Research methodology involves the researcher providing an alternative hypothesis, a research hypothesis, as an alternative way to explain the phenomenon .
The researcher tests the hypothesis to disprove the null hypothesis, not because he/she loves the research hypothesis, but because  it would  mean  coming closer to finding  an answer to a specific  problem. The research hypothesis is often based on observations that evoke suspicion that the null hypothesis is not always correct.
Therefore, this chapter aims at showing the methodology used to highlight the impact of   transport system on business development. The research also describes some methods and techniques that was used in data collection and processing in testing hypothesis. Methodologically, the researcher’s desire was to run after the truth hidden from many people who have willing to start business.
The methodology focuses on how the research was conducted. The essential information were achieved through a variety of activities such as conducting direct and  face- to –face interviews , making  direct  observations of  the movement and activities  in taxi parking Nyabugogo.
Three data collection techniques were considered for this study to reach its goal. These are Historical research techniques, interview, observations and. The final work  was presented in an Audio Documentary .

3.3. Data collection techniques
Our research is qualitative  in nature  to reach its  goals  it used  the following  methods  or techniques ; Historical research techniques, interview techniques , observation .
3.3.1. Historical research techniques
Historical research techniques or methods, are most commonly used to review data from the past and draw conclusions that impact on the present or future. It is commonly used by historians. The process of historical research requires a significant amount of reading, translating, researching and discussion. The volume of information required to support a historical theory is quite substantial. ( Thomas Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (University of Chicago, 1970, page 31 2nd ed.)
In the research titled “ Easing business through an efficient transport system, an audio documentary on Nyabugogo bus park” we  applied   these techniques trough the following steps .
Step 1. Define the starting period
This step consist of locating independent verification of basic background information and investigate the author. This step is necessary to confirm the evidence used is factual, reporting on by multiple sources and that the bias of the author. In our research we tried to do a deep study of the area of researching  Nyabugogo bus park in the past period  around 1995 through 1998 to 2012 .  we  read books, news paper and other news sources with topic related to Nyabugogo bus park  released  in this period to know much about this park.
Step 2 . To analyze the information
This step was to do an analysis of  the information read into different news sources  with topic related to Nyabugogo bus park .Validate against other sources and measure the creditability of the information. This step  made us to use  multiple sources and  process of questioning all aspects of the information. This includes using generally accepted knowledge about the time period in question, historical facts and physical evidence.
3.3.2. Observation
Van Lier (1999:68) states that observation is an important way in conducting a research on a certain activities or movement of people, this methodology involves watching and recording behaviors within a clearly defined area. The researcher plays the role of passive observer and is, therefore, outside the action of being observed and recorded. It consists in observing a targeted group of  workers on their task  this observation is like eyes recoding . According  to the  same  author  there  are two  kinds  of observation  : participants  observation and non-participants observation.
The former is done when the researcher involves in activities and uses a recording machine .The  latter requires the  researcher to  set out  before  hand  a systematic observation  scheme which enables him to  observe and  encode  how an certain action is taking place . It is worth  mentioning  that  in this  study  the researcher will use  both “ participant observation ” and  Non-participant observation ”
In our research” Easing business through an efficient transport system, an audio documentary on Nyabugogo bus park” the observation was done on the following activities and  movements of the people in Nyabugogo bus park for certain purpose explained in the following table. Non-participant observation
Table No 1: The design of our observation

Things/people/activities/movements  to be Observed  

Target of  observation  

The reason for observation
Traveling cars movement at their departure and the arrival at Nyabugogo bus park
Passengers :their mood ,their actions after arriving at Nyabugogo , and before departure
To discover  what they do at Nyabugogo, they buy , what they carry to their home and their connection with  business there  in .
Shops and various activities owners
Their deals with clients
Who are their prime clients?
Drivers /helpers
Their interaction with passengers / their collaboration
To know much about communication  between two sides passengers and drivers along with their helpers . languages, behaviors…
Building in Nyabugogo bus park
To know if the business in Nyabugogo is possible referring to buildings for commercial activities
Other sectors like security sectors/ leaders on field / helpers of passengers those who  carry the luggage .
 Their contribution to the welfare of  transport, and business dev. In Nyabugogo bus park
To know their everyday activities Participant observation
The researcher is immersed in the action being observed but their role as researcher is not obvious. An example of participant observation methodology occurs when the researcher goes into a shopping centre in a wheelchair or joins a group in order to study it. Researchers using participant observation must be aware of the ethical implications of this methodology. A methodology where in the researcher's role is more in the open is the participant-as-observer methodology. In this, the researcher still participates in, as well as observes, the action being studied but does so with the knowledge of other participants. The application of participatory observation in our study
This method consists of being part of the activity which is taking place but someone who is observing participate as a stakeholder in the activities of the observed people. During this observation the observer must  have  the list of elaborated things to observe . This method is possible in our study Easing business through an efficient transport system, an audio documentary on Nyabugogo bus park” it was applied in the following steps :
Step 1.listing of important things for our research that need to be known for its roots.
Step2: to clarify the gap of information that need to be searched  to complete the research about transport system in Nyabugogo bus park.
Step 3: prepare means like money to help for participating in the activities, money to shop with others. That would be an occasion to ask some questions regarding business feasibility in Nyabugogo.
Step4. To go to field in Nyabugogo bus park to participate in different actions like buying things in shop, asking questions as a client, traveling in bus with passengers feeling the mood asking questions as their colleague sharing the same bus .All these movements were done along with encoding of some information which are new and crucial to our research .   

3.3.3. Interview technique
 Microsoft  Encarta ( 2008 ) defined the  interview as the  meeting  for asking questions: This  is  meeting during which  somebody  is asked  questions. And the record of interview is a transcript, report on ,  or recording of an interview .An interview may be tightly structured, semi-structured, unstructured, in-depth or conversational. This methodology involves the researcher and the interviewee in a one-to-one situation and may be quite time consuming. The researcher may interview several people at different times using the same interview question schedule.
As one of techniques  that was used by  researcher ,the  interview played very  important role  in carrying  out this  study  .The  face-to-face  interview helped  the researcher  to ask probing  questions and  at the  same  time follow up  the tone of the voice , body language  movement  accompanying the  interviewee’ s response ,which  would  provide essential information  to the  discussed  issues. Indeed, Drivers, shops owners, passengers were  interviewed  because  they are  most important  in this  policy’s application .
 In the same orientation, the top administrator in charge of activities in Nyabugogo taxi parking  were  also interviewed .This officer is responsible for the management and execution of passengers carrying policies in this parking. This makes a better  positioned  person  to comment  on  daily activities found in this taxi parking and provide  very useful information  concerning  what  the authority  plan  to do  in order to make people understand the role of this taxi parking.
Concerning  interview technique, ( Yvan Charon ,1989) classified interviews into 5 categories depending  on informative  content  and the role  taken interlocutor vis-à-vis  the event or phenomena .The  language  of this book , interviews on television , is French ,( the interviewee gives testimony on  the situation  he faces ) , opinion interview   ( The interviewee is the expert) , he gives opinion  on such  issue ) and interview-explication ( The interviewee is an expert on the issue. He gives explanations or he clarifies the phenomena). Interviewed people and why
People to interview   and to observe their movement and activities.

 Related questions to them and why
Shop owners
The people who own business activities in Nyabugogo bus park, and there  around
All question asked to them were about knowing the relationship between their business and everyday’s movement of passengers, drivers,……

Passengers from different regions of Rwanda and neighboring countries.
How they use to get products to take to their home when they are at Nyabugogo bus park.


Drivers of traveling agencies and other taxis working in Nyabugogo bus park
Asked  them much about movement of  passengers what they use to carry from Nyabugogo  to their home and The communication between drivers, passengers and business owners in Nyabugogo bus park . 
Security board in Nyabugogo bus park
At Nyabugogo there are police station in charge of  security
 Asked them about the security of business carried out in nyabugogo bus park , security of passengers …
Traveling agencies

Head of  traveling agencies
Asked  them about the benefit / the failure of using Nyabugogo bus park as unique park. The way they manage to deal with their business after they have been shifted from Kigali centre to Nyabugogo.
Authorities in charge on Nyabugogo bus park
Kimisagara sector  leaders( in which locates Nyabugogo) + RFTC staff( they have  big responsibilities up on
Huge numbers of traveling  bus)
About organization of Nyabugogo bus park, its contribution to country development , the value given to this park . The information will help us to measure the impact of the transport system to the global development.

Qualitative methodology Involves a phenomenological perspective whereby researchers aim to understand, report and evaluate the meaning of events for people in particular situations. That is how their social world is structured by the participants in it. The focus of qualitative methodologies is the way in which participants (rather than the researcher) interpret their experiences and construct reality. Some examples are: an unstructured interview, focus group, and participant observation. Our study is qualitative because it seeks to give explanations up on activities done in Nyabugogo Taxi parking ground .It responded questions like how, what, who.
According to Grinnell  and Williams ( 1990), research design  is a careful systematic study  or  investigation  in some field  of knowledge , undertaken  to establish  some  facts  or principles .It can also be  defined  as the totality of plans  that are to help us  in answering  our research questions .This research  design  aims at showing  how  the study  conducted to Nyabugogo bus park , how was  carried  out  especially  as far as data  collection  is  concerned .
According to Lapin (1990 ) population is a group  of individuals , items  from  which  samples  are taken for measurement .This study  aimed  at studying  the impact of urban transportation in business development. To understand this issue, the researcher got information from these main categories of people or respondents: the related interviews were mentioned in the above table No1 “   People to interview and why”
·         Shops owners, in Nyabugogo bus park .
·         Drivers and their helpers
·         Passengers from different region
·         Staffs in charge of Nyabugogo bus park
·         Security staffs in Nyabugogo bus park
·         Transport company agencies staffs
Through well structured interviews each of these groups offered useful information for the research since each of them has a particular concern about Nyabugogo taxi parking ground.
Due to time and resource constraints, it is impossible to cover more bus park in Rwanda .This brought about the use of sample which orients the study to Nyabugogo bus park .
Our study focuses on Nyabugogo bus park ground based at Kigali city, Nyarugenge district Kimisagara sector. Even though there is many other bus park but this one is the big one and accommodates many cars from different region. This is why we chose this park as right one and important.

4.1. Introduction
In this chapter, the researcher presents the data and interprets the results in “audio documentary” as mentioned in the introduction . To present the data, audio documentary was chosen as a tool. Mostly, the interviews were made in Kinyarwanda, and the researcher voiced them over in English .The documentary narration is in English.
The documentary on an audio DVD is expected to be between 25 and 30 minutes. The entire clip will combine the producer’s narration, audio clips of the respondents, otherwise known as sound bites, ambient sounds and an instrumental /classical music bed.
The audio DVD containing the whole audio documentary, the interview guide and the script are appended to this  research project.
4.2 Description of the Audio Documentary
This audio documentary titled Easing business through efficient transportation system started with  the producer’s introduction . He introduced and summarized the content of the documentary which is how businesses are done in the area around Nyabugogo bus park .
The researcher summarizes how the transport system plays significant role in promotion of business feasibility and business development in general. The researcher talks about every day activities of different people drivers, passengers business owners who use Nyabugogo bus park. Their point of view of what should be done to extend this bus park .All are included in this  audio documentary .
4.3. Description of observed events and activities in Nyabugogo bus park
Nyabugogo bus park is rectangular shaped. The half of  the buildings inside park is occupied with shops . Other half is occupied by offices of traveling agencies and exchange bureaus.
 Table of activities inside bus park
Kind of business
 Product in shop
Number of houses
Small Shops
 Electronic materials such as  phones, watches ,
Small shops
Mixtures of  things , bags, shoes, mattress and other
Breads , drinks,
Small Restaurant
Foods , drinks, milk..
Photocopying, printing
Preparing ladies hairs , and boys.
Traveling agencies office
Serve ticket to passengers
Forex  bureaus (exchange bureaus)
Exchange of money
All shops in general
The shops in Nyabugogo bus park are mainly electronic materials like phones, watches, televisions and other things like bags, mattress and shoes. Passengers are always  busy in these shops buying  electronic materials  especially phones batteries chargers etc
Restaurant and Alimentation are also business houses which host many passengers per day.  Since early morning people are busy in restaurant and alimentation taking  breakfast  tea , coffee and other  soft drink .This period ends about 12 o’clock time when people start taking lunch . The period of lunch extends up to  night when  movement of cars is almost over .  

Table of businesses in few miles from bus  park
Kind of business
Goods in business house
The number
Help passengers and business owners to get money or to deposit.
Great number : almost all banks working in Rwanda.
Big shops
Shops with spare parts for cars , motorcycle,
Great number
Big shops of foods
Stores of sacks of different food products.
Average number
Beer , soft  and alcoholic
Less number
Soft drinks,  jus ,breads….
Chambers for guests , foods ,drinks
Less number
The table shows the businesses in few miles around Nyabugogo bus park. The business activities outside in few miles are more than those locate inside. The huge houses around Nyabugogo bus park are occupied by banks, almost all banks working in Rwanda have small agencies around this bus park. These are, BK, KCB, BPR, COGEBANK, BCR, ECOBANK ,UNGUKA, FINABANK,AGASEK etc  .
The big shops selling various goods like construction materials, cements, glasses for houses. There are also shops which store foods of all kind like sack of rice, oil, maize flours, and many other foods product .There are shops of spare parts for cars, motorcycle. Bars, big restaurants, hotels, big alimentations.

4.4. The briefing about the result of the research on business activities around    Nyabugogo bus park.
4.4.1. The documentary content.
The presentation of the research  in an audio documentary , starts with the general introduction to the park , its appearance at the time of research , the movement of bus and passengers, activities there inside and outside the bus park .
The documentary went on in its body  with the views of the respondents in the research  which are  business owners , passengers, drivers ,security person, they describe what they do, what are the challenges and  their point of view about Nyabugogo bus park’s role in promoting their businesses .They also pointed out the suggestions about what should be done in order to extend the profitability of that park.
The points which are common for all side of respondents are that the bus park has a very considerable positive impact on the business and on development not only in Nyabugogo area  but  also on the  entire country. And suggestions about the need for  rehabilitation.
Security is  under wide vision company and  police. Nyabugogo bus park has been given  this company and police station to keep for safety of passengers, their luggage and the safety of shops in general. The research gave the space to the operation manager of the company to know much about security case in Nyabugogo as a place where meet diverse people with different behaviors.
The respondents suggested the need for extension of the park.They disclosed themselves about the park space which is not enough to cars. Is also another concern of the interviewed, it is obvious that the park get smaller comparing to the cars it accommodates . That shows the necessity to have the park extended . Said some of the respondents
The park face the problem of flooding in the rain season, that is the problem which need a solution in order to protect some goods which get damaged during the flooding period . Said some of the respondents.
All these above challenges seem to be the obstacles to the business development, the research included the version of authority  at district level . He was given time to talk about the history of Nyabugogo bus park, its role ,its income to the development of the district and on country in general .He talked about the program they have to protect and to maximize the profitability of Nyabugogo bus park .
The documentary concludes by the discussion about findings of the research in few words. 

5.1. General conclusion
 This study  aims  to show  how efficient transport system plays  a considerable role  in business development  our research is titled “Easing business trough efficient  transport system ”The  research started with explaining how  businesses are done  in Nyabugogo bus park and around. The researcher gave  place to  business owners and  whoever  has  connection  with  Nyabugogo  bus park .People told  why they  choice  to set  their  business there around, they told like to benefit  from the crowd of people  who are  always  in the park traveling to different regions of Rwanda even in neighboring countries.
In the chapter one  the researcher gave  the background  of place of researching which is Nyabugogo bus park .The description  of the place ,the problematic , the hypothesis , the objectives of the study , the significance .The research highlighted the  history  of transport ,background of the place  of researching  the reason  for research. The significance reflect that what  the research will come up with  will help in well going and improvement   of business there in Nyabugogo bus park and would sensitize people to profit the place like Nyabugogo bus park.
In chapter two, the research talks about different studies and books with topics related to transport .The chapter two consists of analyzing and  relate  other’s work on transport issues. Many books were read by the researcher in order   to help to get relevant orientation of the research .
The chapter three emphasized on methodology used in the research, the research privileged  techniques  of observation and interviews .
Observation was applied  on activities and movements in Nyabugogo bus park  whereas  interviews applied  on different people  who have  direct or indirect  connection with  Nyabugogo bus park like  business owners ,drivers , passengers, security board  at Nyabugogo  bus park .Interviews constituted the main  technique of  gathering the needed  data and was applied to the targeted informants of this study .

Chapter four the main goal in this chapter  was to  present ,analyze and interpret the findings collected from the field . The analysis  and interpretation  of the result from research pointed out  that business owners benefit from  the crowd  of people  in Nyabugogo bus park and  pointed out some  obstacles  which prevent them  to reach  the maximum of their  benefit  to  Nyabugogo bus park . The benefit  of business  owners  from Nyabugogo bus park  is due to  some  factors passengers come   from different regions of the  country  even from  neighboring  country are their prime clients they come with different needs  so they  prefer to buy things in surrounding markets of the  park.
Different  people  who hold  commercial activities in the  province  come in Kigali  city to buy  different goods .This  contributes to the business development  at Nyabugogo bus park.
Though there are many positive impact of Nyabugogo bus park on businesses there around, challenges are so many and they jeopardize  the maximun profitability  of the  park. 
The flood this comes during the rain period water full the park up to some shops and damage goods and some infrastructures. This would be caused by the bad disposition of the park and canalization which is poor .
 The traffic jams due to the  big number of bus use Nyabugogo bus park  occupy the second place among the main challenges . The number of cars  expected  to be hosted  by Nyabugogo bus park  increased up to when  the park was not  capable to accommodate them. This phenomena causes Nyabugogo bus park to face a serious traffic jams especially at some special days like on Friday and Sunday when people are coming to the week end , break or coming back to their jobs.
The research has discovered and showed about the insufficient infrastructures for commercial activities. Some people who use to sell goods in high quantity complain about the place which is not sufficient to mean houses with have narrow spaces.  All these challenges made the respondents to suggest the extension of the park to increase its benefits.

5.2. Recommendations
In line  with the  research carried out  and the findings obtained , the researcher proposes the  following recommendations to authorities in charge of  everyday activities in Nyabugogo bus park, to business owners , passengers, drivers and security persons.
5.2.1. To authorities in charge of activities in Nyabugogo bus park
The research has shown challenges faced by business owners in Nyabugogo some of them are the lack of enough infrastructure:
-Authorities in charge of Nyabugogo bus park must solve the problem of infrastructure by building apartment equivalent to the commercial activities applied in the park.
-The bus park face the traffic jams due to the big number of cars , the authorities in charge of  Nyabugogo bus park must do  whatever  to rehabilitate by extending it.
- The canalization need to be build to prevent the flooding of the park.
- The sensitization to people is needed to awaken them to launch businesses which are equivalent to what passengers always need.
5.2.2. To business owners
- Business owners should always think about most needed goods by different clients who are mainly passengers that would help to provide for everyone without exception and that is important for business progress.
- To bring innovative things which present the particularity of  Rwanda , as the park is the arrival and departing place for people from neighboring countries the innovative things would attract these people and buy them.
-To open their shops the maximum time, some shops owners close their shops early whereas passengers who are their many clients still circulate in the park and sometimes miss what they need.    

5.2.3. To passengers
- To be eyed when traveling in the park, some passengers travel the park without caring about accident that would occur .That results some accident inside the park  which are sometimes avoidable whenever passengers get careful.
-To look after their baggage, police in charge of security in the park say that most cases that they deal with are robberies caused by the lack of vigilance of passengers towards their baggage.
- To be honest, some drivers of taxis which are not in agencies say that there are some passengers who refuse to pay the agreed amount when they reach their destination.
5.2.4.To drivers
-To be careful when driving in Nyabugogo bus park in order to avoid any accident.
- To respect time, some cars ‘drivers are said to deceive passengers by not respecting time of departing.
- To avoid high speed, the transport system in Rwanda is marked with accidents in some roads, this happens due to the high speed which is not usually comfortable with the size of roads.
5.2.5. To police
-Day after day the number of people using Nyabugogo bus park is increasing, shops are many, these necessitate the reinforcement of the security. Police must reinforce its strategies to protect passengers and businesses.

1.Alain Brian Ssenyonga (2010) The Sunday time
2. Andrew Chan Yink H. 2009
3. Bailey (1978), method and the research technique
4.Bill N., (2001) Introduction to Documentary and Representing Reality
5.Grinnell and Williams ( 1990) state  methodology as ways of  arriving  at the good data
7.Jean-Paul R., Brian S. Claude C., (2009), The geography of transport systems
8.Jean-Paul R and Dr. Theo N.(2005)  The Economic Importance of Transportation like many  economic
9.John C. Hudson (2004 ) Transportation redefines the twentieth century west
10.John G (2007) the first user of  the term documentary
 12. KIHESI R., (2007) Society MAGAZINE
13.MATT F. (2012) Transit Initiatives Are Giving a Boost to Businesses
14.Megan Mc C., (2010) The documentary “BEYOND THE MOTOR CITY ’’ published by public  broadcasting service
15.Microsoft  Encarta (2008 )  Dicos Encarta Microsoft corporation
16 .Peter Stein (2011) Cars Galore
17.Robert O.,(1999);Urban Travel Demand Modeling
18.Radio Isango Star ’ Archives 2010
19.Radio Salus ‘Archives 2010
21.Sadik-Khan (2012) The New York Times Fordham  Road in the Bronx
 22.Thomas K., (1970) The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
23. The Plow That Broke the Plains (1936)” influenced documentary filmmaking
24.The world bank (2000) study  on urban transportation development final report
25.Wikipedia ,the free encyclopedia ,2010.Radio_documentary .(online )(last modified on 14 July 2010) available at :<>
26.William R. Gillis, (1994)Transportation System Improvements To New Business Development In Eastern
27.WWW.demography year book 2005
 28.Yvan C.1989

Ambient sound intro classical music
This is the documentary done on Nyabugogo bus park .Is titled  Easing business through efficient transport system . It is an academic work  done by Joachim NKURIKIYUMUKIZA  a 4th year communication student  in National University of Rwanda .
This documentary is made by four main parts. The first is the introduction  to Rwanda transport system in general. The second is the presentation of views of interviewed :This part includes testimonies of  shop keepers , business owners and other activities  in Nyabugogo bus park  about the benefit of the park to their activities  and the challenges faced .
The third part, is point of view of authorities. Like the operating manager of wide vision company in charge of security and cleanness along with authority at district level in charge of urban planning.The fourth which is the last part of  the documentary is the conclusion.
Hello, welcome to the documentary.
The transport system in Rwanda  is  an important sector ,  it is built  by different types of transports to mean air transport(using plane) mostly done  between Rwanda and other countries . maritime transport  done in lakes like Kivu  and terrestrial transport system(using cars ) this is more applied in Rwanda and this kind of transport is the  focus  of our documentary .
How is the transport system in Rwanda? The transport system in Rwanda is a huge sector which contributes to the development of the country. In Rwanda  , the transport  system  is dominated by transport companies or transport agencies, connecting four  direction of the country  North, to the South , East to the West and beyond .
 The effectiveness of the transport system in Rwanda is noticeable through different domains  mainly the transport companies which are now about 25.
 The government is always setting up different strategies to assure the efficient transport system. Some measures were taken. Among the strategies taken is to bring together all transport agencies’ buses which were in Kigali city center known as Rubangura place to Nyabugogo bus park.
Some people say that the measure made Nyabugogo bus park to be more beneficial to their business nearby the park.
Clip Intro1 of respondents talking about the benefit of Nyabugogo bus park
However, some difficulties are still there. Challenges are always appearing like floods and low ability of the park to accommodate big number of buses that causes traffic jam.
Clip Intro2 ambient sound of traffic jams in Nyabugogo  
Even some authorities see above challenges as the shop owners and other business holders do.
Clip Intro 3 Rubangisa authority with responsibility over Nyabugogo bus park
Music Ambient sounds
In this documentary .We are going  to look into business activities in  Nyabugogo bus park. we are going to focus on business owners in Nyabugogo bus park . we will talk to drivers, passengers  and others with connection from  Nyabugogo bus park .
We will look at challenges found in everyday’s business activities and talk to authority to know the  importance  of Nyabugogo to the development of the district  and what is done to solve challenges  cited  above .  
Throughout this documentary, you will get to know far  what beneficial is to set business activities in the place like Nyabugogo bus park .How people who have already launched their business succeed.
Welcome again to the Documentary!
Music Ambient sound: End of Music
New ambient sounds of  Nyabugogo  bus park 
 It’s half past ten of the morning, I am at Nyabugogo  bus park . The place  is very crowded. The people are in hurry, some are getting in buses whereas others getting out of buses and hurry to their respective directions . Some take buses which are  leading to different parts of the city like  Kimisagara , Remera , Gikondo , Kimironko and Gisozi . Really it shows that each and everyone has his particular direction. On the other hand there are passengers who are hurrying to shops , other carry the luggage from shops around the park  to transport agencies .I approached  one of them his name is  Kabera Eric , a passenger from Gicumbi .He is a Trader  in his local market  of Gicumbi  .He uses to buy  goods  mainly food  rice , sugars , flour  at Kigali especially in Nyabugogo .He  tries to give us an image of Nyabugogo bus park,  the challenges and his suggestions.
Clip passenger Kabera ERIC
Kabera ERIC shares his reason to come to  Kigali with many other passengers. That shows how the going and coming of passengers means a lot to business development in Nyabugogo bus park and there around  . Business owners in Nyabugogo bus park are the ones to testify more about the passengers ‘meaning to their everyday business. Even people who come to Kigali for other activities, it is usual that they  buy various things in Nyabugogo shops . Ntawuronka Theoneste sells clothes and shoes he says that these passengers are their prime clients. They buy things before their departure or after their arrival in Kigali. 
The success of business in Nyabugogo bus park, seems to have a wide connection with the crowd of passengers, drivers  and many more people who use the park . This hypothesis made me  to go in deep by asking  other  people hold business activities around Nyabugogo to know  much about the feasibility of the business in Nyabugogo bus park .It is also in the context to know  if  NTAWURONKA THEONESTE  shares the same  business situation with others .
Now the conversation with other  business activities concerns about :why they preferred to set their business  in Nyabugogo bus park . And who are their main clients.
Mufora  Hamadi  the owner of mini –market with foods and soft drinks,  Francois and Nahimana Christo  Benjamin  owners  of  phone shop. Decided to start their activities in Nyabugogo because they think that the place where are many people are likely to have more clients.
Clip: Mufora+ Kizito+ Francois
Short piece of Music Ambient sound
The  current Historical background of  Nyabugogo bus park  shows that  it was  rehabilitated  in order to  accommodate  transport  agencies which had been  working  at Kigali city centre known as Rubangura place .This is the decision taken as one of  the strategies towards an efficient transport system  in Kigali city . The shift of these cars affected business owners at Kigali centre because the owners of commercial activities at Kigali centre lost passengers who were their  prime clients . On the other side the people with activities around Nyabugogo bus park ,  benefited the shift of  these transport agencies . Nowadays those who hold business in Nyabugogo bus park are  talking about  the profit from this shift .
How did owners of  businesses in Nyabugogo bus park  benefit  from the shift ? To answer to this question, I have talked to some of the owners of businesses in Nyabugogo .
Nkurunziza Baraka  the shoes ‘shop owner  , Havugimana Jean Bosco  owner of  bags’shop  and  Maniraguha Olivier airtime seller, said that the shift of buses from Kigali centre to  Nyabugogo bus park near their shops  increased their  income , in other words the clients got increased . 
Clip Baraka+ Maniraguha Olivier + Havugimana Jean bosco
The shift of buses , is the transport system initiated by Rwandan government  in collaboration with Rwanda Utility Regulatory Agency known as RURA .Really the system seems to be efficient and productive to the  people . Young entrepreneurs were not let behind. For them, they profited the shift of  transport  agencies from Kigali city centre to Nyabugogo bus park  to launch  businesses .
Byukusenge  Odille a girl with 22 years old she sells  MTN airtime  in Nyabugogo bus park .She says that in  case of many passengers she gets 3000 Rwandan  francs per day .Whatever  the case she can’t earn less than 1000 Rwandan francs per day . She is proud of her job and she is comfortable with the money she earns per day. She is inviting other young to think about what to do in order to get money to help themselves and their family.
Clip Byukusenge Odilla
When you listen to testimonies from some young  people  , you may think that is not possible. But when you keep on watching  the movement of the passengers who are the main clients of different businesses set up in Nyabugogo ,  you  start  believing what you are told .
Jean Paul Rwigema is a barber,  he operates from Nyabugogo hair salon .He says that  he earns between 5000 and 10000 Rwandan Francs per day.This income is  quite extraordinary and it requires much efforts .
Clip Jean Paul Rwigema
Though almost all the people I talked with, especially business owners  nearby Nyabugogo bus park  said about the  benefit of the park to their businesses. Some drivers  who used to park in Nyabugogo before the shift of buses from Kigali centre to Nyabugogo bus park , said that  the shift  had affected their income because passengers  prefer to travel  by transport   agencies which  are  more comfortable.
Rwigaba Sam  and  Nicola  are drivers they are talking about the role of Nyabugogo to their job. It easily connect them with passengers, but always the agencies have caused a decrease in the number of  passengers to their small taxis .
Clip Rwigaba Sam + Nicolas
Nyabugogo bus park  is the arrival and departure  place of  more than  25 transport agencies  working in  provinces and the neighboring countries .These transport agencies are like Gaga coach  (Kigali-bujumbura )  and  Jaguar  (kampala- Kigali)
Music Clip of ambient sound
Apparently the park is progressively getting incapable to accommodate such a big number of buses. This is easy to notice on special time like at the beginning or at the end of week-end. The time on which many people travel to their families for  break or to their respective place of working .
Here is on Friday it is around  a quarter  to seven evening buses are arriving at Kigali carrying passengers from provinces, they come   for  week-end. At the same time the huge number of buses is departing to different directions of the country they carry passengers who go to their home for the week-end.
Clip of Traffic jams police whistling
This is how the situation is. It is such a traffic jam, it is hard for cars to move, there are  a quite crowd of passengers and  many buses .Some drivers prefer to stop their buses  about  10 minutes to wait for  buses in front to get into main road, the action which is difficult due to the big number of cars coming from Kigali center to different part of the city .
This situation is also being suspected by some business owners in Nyabugogo bus park.They say that there are no appropriate building for commercial activities.
Clip  Aimable’s wishes
The rainy period comes with disasters to the park. It causes floods, this shows the  necessity for the new construction plan of the park .
Clip wishes towards the solution of floods
After suggestions of the people I talked with,   the challenges and  their wishes,  I talked to authorities to know their views about Nyabugogo bus park and what they expect to  do . Rubangisa  Rwigema is operation manager   of the wide company vision  in charge of  security  and cleanness in the park .He  is talking about  how they guarantee the security in the park .
Clip : Rubangisa talking on security
The low capacity of Nyabugogo bus  park to accommodate the big number of buses was the  main  issue for  the people we talked with. How do the authorities see this issue ? what do they do to solve some  problems resulted by this insufficiency of the  space ? Rubangisa Rwigema continues
Clip: Rubangisa talking on capacity of the park  
 Nkurunziza Alex is the authority  in charge of  the  Rural planning  in Nyarugenge district. He says that  all problems concerning the park, are taken into consideration and some of the solution envisaged is to look for another place where  the half of  agencies would park since it is hard to get a wide place to accommodate the entire cars entering in Kigali . And they are  encouraging people to invest in building modern houses nearby the park to promote commercial sector.  
As shown by interviewed business owners in Nyabugogo bus park, their businesses or activities  benefit a lot  from the crowd of Nyabugogo bus park’s passengers with different origin , different destination , different purposes , and different needs .
Dear listeners, that is how transport system is contributing to the business development in Nyabugogo and in the country in general .you’ve heard  the benefits of  the  shop owners in the research , you’ve heard also some  challenges they are facing ,  and their  suggestions.
 Referring to the success of the businesses being  carried out  because of  Nyabugogo bus park, the authorities  in charge of  this park must  do their efforts  to solve  problems like floods, small park  that result traffic jam and insufficient places for commercial activities. all these  highlighted  problems seem to be   obstacles which hinder the maximum profitability of the park.
This is the end of our documentary easing business through efficient transport system.
Ending with music
A. To shop owners:
1. What is your names please? what kind of business activities  do you hold here ?
2. How long have you been working here?
3.  How do you see the movement of people in Nyabugogo bus park ?
4. What is the impact of this taxi park on your activities ?
5. Why did you prefer to set your business in  Nyabugogo bus park ? can you tell why you preferred Nyabugogo rather than other place?
6. How do you compare the time when Nyabugogo bus park was not there and today Nyabugogo as a main bus park is there ?
7. How do you value the diversities of many passengers here at Nyabugogo?
8.Who are your main clients ?
9 .What are your favorites time? Can you tell me the time you get many clients and why ?
10. What exactly the place of  passengers in promotion of your business ?
11.Is there any negative effects of the crowd on your activities?   
12 .What are challenges do you face ?
B. To passengers
1. Hi!  What is your name please?
2. What is your destination?
3. Do you use to carry something bought in Kigali to your home ?
4. If yes, where do you buy them? if  not why?
5. How worthy are Nyabugogo’shops in providing your needed things?
6. Do you easily get everything you want in Nyabugogo?
7. What is about traveling service at Kigali and in Rwanda  in general ? is it ease to get a bus ?
8. What is your point of view about this transport system in business development?
9. How worthy do you think Nyabugogo bus park is?
10 .On your view, what could be done to uplift the production of Nyabugogo bus park?
C. To drivers
1. What is your name ?
2. What do you do here in Nyabugogo bus park ?
3. Can you give me the image of  your job in Nyabugogo bus  park ?
4. How worthy is Nyabugogo bus park to your job? 
5. Is it easy to carry out your task in Nyabugogo bus park ? is it productive?
6. What  is the origin of  passengers you do carry?
7. Do the passengers travel with luggage?
8. Where do they buy things in  the luggage ? in Nyabugogo bus park ?  else where ?
9.  What kind of things do they like to buy from this bus park ?
10. What is about traveling cost ?
11. If  you watch the  movement of  passengers in Nyabugogo  bus park  what do you think it  benefits  to business development  around this bus park ?